Seminar on Disease control

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Last Thursday night one of my besties (Dr. Vet Cathy Kurtz) and I went to a disease control seminar at Douglas College. I learned a lot on how to keep the Cat Hotel safe and Sanitary, including, getting an air sanitizer machine that kills 99% of the airborne bacteria and viruses that can be passed from cat to cat, which has been a major concern of mine.

Cathy Started out as a yoga student of mine, 6 years ago, and is now one of the Cat Hotels most loving vets, and has been my vet and friend since. She comes to my house and the cat hotel, so my cats don’t have to stress out from travel. She continues to coach me on how to provide the best cat care in the Cat Hotel!


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Hi! My name is Joan Smith, I’m a travel blogger from the UK and founder of Hevor. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and give you tips about hotels, restaurants, activities and destinations to visit. You can watch my videos or join my group tours that I organize to selected destinations. [Suggestion: You could use the Author Biography Block here]

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